
Recyclability of personal care products

Sustainability & Research Innovation
Personal Care
A deep divide into consumer understanding of purchasing, using & disposing habits of personal care products in India.

Upcoming 5 years are very crucial for every FMCG company to deep dive into packaging life cycle and understand where all is possibilities to build circular economy. In the packaging life cycle the most important role is of consumers. A journey of packaging is lot dependent on consumers habits, understanding about product & lifestyle choices. It becomes redundant for companies to keep on bringing sustainable solution if consumers do not participate in it. For that we need to understand and learn consumer mind set and how comfortable and ready there are for new solutions.

Scope of work

To get insights of purchasing, consumption & disposing habits of consumers to understand the journey of packaging from consumer stand point of view.

The idea was to design & conduct an extensive user study in three Indian cities: Delhi, Mumbai & Indore to gauge understandings on the various aspects of a sustainable future.

User mapping

For consumer study we found two user group. The mapping was done according to the insights and how they perceived the stimuli while interview.

We designed the research course for consumer immersions with lot stimuli and mockups. It was very important to understand the roots and challenges and this helped to analyze and synthesis on insights for future scope.

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