&me Period Chocolates

Packaging Design for Period Chocolates

Brand Design & Packaging Graphics
Conceiving a visual language for the packaging of a new category of chocolates in the Indian market - &ME’s Period Chocolates

&me Period Chocolates

About the Brand

After launching India’s first PMS, PCOS drinks, &ME approached us for the packaging design of their new category of chocolates in the Indian market, Period chocolates. The unique nature of the product demanded an equally unique packaging design language that would beautifully capture the essence of the product.  

&me Period Chocolates


Right from the word go, our approach was centered around creating a visual language that would immediately resonate with the target audience for this exciting new product with its unique proposition.

Packaging Design for Period Chocolates - GIF

As we deep dove into details of what gives the product its true value, it became essential to emphasize on the carefully chosen ingredients for the constitution of the product

The language crafted for the primary and secondary packaging did just that. The packaging became the canvas for &ME’s story of guilt-free indulgence through these Period Chocolates

Packaging Design for Period Chocolates - Final Product
Packaging Design for Period Chocolates - &me

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